
Get the instance of the ThirdwebStorage class being used by the ThirdwebProvider

Allows you to use the TypeScript SDK functionality of Storage in your React app.


You will require an API key to use thirdweb’s storage services with the SDK. If you haven’t created a key yet you can do so for free from the thirdweb dashboard .

You can then obtain a clientId from the API key which you will need to pass to the ThirdwebProvider component:

import { ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
const App = () => {
return (
<ThirdwebProvider clientId="YOUR_CLIENT_ID">
<YourApp />

Storage can also be configured using the storageInterface prop on ThirdwebProvider


import { useStorage } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
export default function Component() {
const storage = useStorage();
// Now you can use the functionality of the ThirdwebStorage class:
storage?.download(); // Download a file from IPFS
storage?.upload(); // Upload a file to IPFS
function useStorage():
| undefined


let returnType: undefined | ThirdwebStorage<IpfsUploadBatchOptions>;